Exploring conscious dying is not something we do or explore because we're broken. We do it because we are curious about our humanity and the possibilities death offers us as part of a full life.
Process work can sometimes feel amorphous, but this is exactly what makes it so powerful. In our time together, we have many tools at our disposal, but mostly we will begin with conversation and determine which of these tools are the best suited to you and your situation. Intuition and interest are our guides.
There is no right or wrong way to proceed, just your way.
Some tools we might incorporate:
- legacy projects
- direct inquiry
- vigil planning
- mindfulness and other forms of meditation
- plant medicines
- living funeral
- ritual
- grief processing
- end of life vigil
Only you can determine the direction we head.
As we work together, we are automatically recreating the interconnecting web surrounding all sentient beings that often becomes lost when focused on the separate self.
When we let process and the needs of the moment lead the way, we are sure to connect into
what is most authentic to you.
And when we connect into the realization that we are part of the ever-unfolding and never-ending miraculous thing called life with curiosity and open mindedness, a peaceful and serene death become possible.
I will guide you wherever you show you are ready to explore.

The particulars of our partnership:
⇒ free 30 minute consultation
⇒ $80 per hour
⇒ packages available
⇒ sliding scale available by special arrangement

"Death is a stripping away of all that is not you.
The secret of life is to 'die before you die'
--and find that there is no death."Eckhart Tolle
Want to learn more?
Contact me to arrange for a free 30 minute consultation
It is my honor to serve you
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